This map accompanied a series of events in the south of Glasgow to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the Battle of Langside in 1568. It was commissioned by Langside community to form the centrefold of a booklet about the battle and its significance to the area.
The map - as you can see from the images - seeks to show the current street layout so that visitors and locals can orientate themselves, but also to illustrate the lay of the land several hundred years ago when Mary Queen of Scots was watching the skirmish from afar. The past is shown as pale ‘ghost’ figures overlayed in white and the present appears in colour underneath. By showing the movements of battle, the soldiers in their leather armour and their cannon, we sought to bring some life to a battle very far away in time.
The illustration of Mary and her advisor is inspired by a mural in Langside Library and all my illustrations are drawn in ink with colour added digitally.
Spring 2018